Our group of companies are mostly recognised as “ Izmit Akaryakit” which is also a company owned by the family. We as family are running different companies. Our core business is “project development” for gas/petrol stations.
Our definition for project development could be understood as;
- To find approppirate fields to be gas/petrol stations
- To organise and prepare best projects for the gas/petrol station constructions
- To get all the legal permitions from local and governmental authorities to build the station according to our projecr
- To achieve best contract with the gas/petrol companies ( such as Shell, BP/ Total, OPET, PO, We have ongoing contracts with all of them nowadays)
- To build the station physically with regards to project
- To run or rent or sell the project after opening up.
What we have done so far can be seen from the link below.
Projects to start in near future;
- Sancaktepe / İstanbul
- Sekerpinar / Kocaeli
These projects have been done on turn-key basis and all the responsibility are taken by the family companies till official opening up.
The family are also participating in real estate sector too. We are willing to purchase and sell field, building, flat offices etc. One of our company work as constructor in our religion ( Istanbul Anatolian side). We achieve a contract with a field owner and build a construction ( mostly residences) and sell the flats of course with regards to how the owner wants. The budget for this business is relatively lower than gas/petrol station projects.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.